Cabool Man Arrested Following Attempted Break-In & Auto Theft

Douglas County, MO. – A Cabool man has been arrested after an event where he not only crashed his vehicle in a field, but afterward attempted to break into a residence and steal another vehicle.

On August 23rd, Douglas County Deputy Wilson responded to a call where an individual had driven their vehicle into the residents field. On route to the call, the deputy received a second call where the driver had attempted to break into the residents home and steal a car.

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On arrival, the Deputy found the land owner, who had the suspect apprehended at gun-point. Richard Christian, 34 of Cabool, has been arrested on charges of 1st Degree Burglary, Driving While Intoxicated, and Operating a Motor Vehicle in a Careless and Imprudent Manner.

Christian was on probation and parole on criminal charges including 14 counts of burglary, 19 for theft, 5 drug charges, 5 charges of property damage, and 1 previous DWI.

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