City Council hears bills on utility rates for 2024

West Plains, MO. – The West Plains City Council heard the first reads of multiple bills that included various utility rate increases for Fiscal Year 2024 during their meeting on Monday, October 16, 2023. 

The four bills are Bill 4752, 4753, 4754, and 4755 covering the proposed water, electric, sewer, and sanitation rates, respectively. The suggested rate increases for water and electric rates are 5% and the proposed rate increase for sanitation is 4%. The largest increase will be seen in sewer rates, with a suggested rate increase of 20%. According to the documentation provided, residents could see their minimum base rate increase from $14.30 to $17.16. During the meeting, Mayor Mike Topliff noted that there is a $6.70 surcharge that will expire in March 2024, slightly offsetting the increase.

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The council also heard Bill 4749 which covered the banning of parking on the streets on and near the West Plains High School. City Council members remarked on how crowded the street would become during nights when games were held in the school or at the Jimmy Carrol Sports Complex. With the expansion of the High School parking lot owned by the school and the new parking lot across from the Sports Complex, which is owned by the city, the council is expected to pass the street parking ban.

A minor change is expected to be passed on the zoning of marijuana facilities in Bill 4757. This bill would change the current medical marijuana zoning law to go for all marijuana facilities by removing the word “medical” from the existing ordinance.

Citizens can view the city council meeting agenda at or view council meeting livestreams on their YouTube channel.

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