Houston Rural Fire Department Memberships Due

Houston, MO. – For the uninformed in our area, many local Fire Departments do not receive funding through taxes or otherwise, leaving many to fend for themselves when it comes to maintaining the cost of their equipment and staff.

In Texas County, the Houston Rural Fire Association issues membership fees to those they support in case of emergency, and membership forms have been mailed out.

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Effective June 1st, those who do not renew their membership will be charged in case of emergency under RSMO 320.302, which can include the price of yearly membership and more.

The City of Houston Fire Department has issued this statement:

“The Houston Rural Fire Association has mailed out their membership renewal forms inside the district boundaries. This only pertains to individuals that own land and/or a residence outside the city limits of Houston. If you are new to the rural area, the form is attached below. There is a dropbox available for your convenience at the rural station, to drop off your dues while in town.

Effective June 1st, 2022, ALL services provided to non-members will be charged in accordance with RSMO 320.302. On the attached form are the details of the statute with amounts that will be charged to non-members.
Your dues provide revenue to purchase apparatus, firefighting tools, bunker gear, self-contained breathing apparatus, life-saving equipment, training, operations, insurance for the station and apparatus, fuel, maintenance, and repairs.
There is no taxes that fund the rural fire association, they rely solely on your memberships to fund their department.
If you have any questions, contact Rural Chief Don Gaston at (417) 217-1747.
Please make check payable and mail to:
Houston Rural Fire Association
PO BOX 216
Houston, MO 65483″
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