City of West Plains Implements New City Seal

The newly-designed official seal of the City of West Plains will now represent the city on all official documents and materials. The City adopted the new seal at Monday’s City Council Meeting and added the seal to social media Tuesday morning. City hall extends a huge thank you to everyone who submitted designs, voted, and took part in the process. 

The winning designer, Corey Jeter of West Plains, told Ozark Radio News, “I thought of several elements that come to mind for me. It’s just the beautiful Ozark countryside, hills and valleys, the lumber industry, the beautiful forests around us, as well as agriculture. And of course, the wealth of waterways around us, rivers and streams and lakes, and all that stuff. So, I kind of just put all those together, and that’s the design I came up with.”
The seal will be displayed on all official city documents, and will be displayed in council chambers.
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