City of West Plains reminds residents of Firework Laws

Independence Day is quickly approaching, and many West Plains residents have celebratory plans, ranging from family picnics to nights out. The West Plains Police Department wants to remind those celebrating with alcohol not to get behind the wheel and designate a sober driver to get you home safely.

West Plains Police also want to remind residents of the city’s firework laws:


Sec. 20-44, Discharge of fireworks states, “No individual or organization may discharge fireworks as herein defined, without a permit. Discharging of display fireworks (as defined in the RSMo 320.106.1) will need to be approved by city council, no later than the June council meeting of said year. All state and local applications, permits, and inspections must be completed as well. (RSMo 320.126.1)

Section 28-77, Rockets, Missiles and Projectiles states, “No person shall construct, use, discharge, fire, launch or explode rockets, missiles or other similar projectiles within the city unless a written permit for such specific purpose has been obtained from City Council.”

The full ordinances pertaining to fireworks can be found online —…/codes/code_of_ordinances

“It is important for parents to educate their children on the ordinance and the hazards of improper firework use,” said West Plains Police Chief Stephen Monticelli. “Officers will be given discretion on how to treat violations of the ordinance, which could include written warnings, citations, and/or the confiscation and destruction of the fireworks.”

In addition to being illegal inside city limits, this year poses an added threat – fires. Due to the continued hot, dry weather, fireworks could cause fires that will quickly get out of hand. The National Fire Protection Association estimates nearly 19,000 fires are started by fireworks annually.

“If you are hosting a firework show we advise that you have an extinguishing agent on hand, that can be a water hose, bucket of water or a fire extinguisher,” said West Plains Fire Chief Kurt Wilbanks. “I’d also like to recommend to individuals outside of town planning to shoot off fireworks to know which fire department to call in the event of an emergency.”

The City of West Plains has received two formal requests for firework shows, one at the West Plains Country Club and the other at Brooke Haven.

The West Plains Police Department, West Plains Fire Department, and City of West Plains wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July holiday.

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