City of West Plains welcomes Emily Edwards-Long as Downtown Coordinator

From The City of West Plains:
West Plains, MO – The City of West Plains is pleased to announce the hiring of Emily Edwards-Long as the new Downtown Coordinator. Edwards-Long brings a strong background in leadership, community engagement, and downtown revitalization efforts, making her a perfect fit for the role.
Edwards-Long has been actively involved with the West Plains Downtown Revitalization Committee, serving on the board as well as the organizational committee and the promotions and economic vitality groups. Her contributions include leading community-driven initiatives such as the Downtown Coloring Book project, distributing downtown business “passports”, and promoting local events. She has also played a key role in securing grant funding for downtown improvement projects, including the MO REAP grant for energy efficiency upgrades and a National Association of Realtors grant and AARP grant for alley activation.
In addition to her hands-on experience, Edwards-Long has pursued specialized training through Missouri Main Street, including completing Main Street 101 training, attending Pop-Up Placemaking in Sedalia, and participating in Missouri Main Street’s Action Plan workshop. This training has equipped her with the knowledge and strategies necessary to enhance the economic vitality and aesthetic appeal of downtown West Plains.
“Emily’s passion for downtown development, combined with her experience in community engagement and grant writing, will be a tremendous asset to the City of West Plains,” said City Administrator Sam Anselm. “We are confident that under her leadership, downtown West Plains will continue to thrive and grow.”
Edwards-Long’s professional background includes serving as a Process Coordinator for Special Education, where she developed skills in project management, strategic planning, and cross-sector collaboration.
“I am excited to join the City of West Plains and contribute to the continued growth and success of our community,” said Edwards-Long. “Our downtown has a rich history and holds tremendous potential for economic development. There is a strong sense of momentum behind the efforts to revitalize downtown, and I am grateful to be part of a dedicated team working to make this vision a reality.”
The City of West Plains welcomes Edwards-Long to her new role and looks forward to the positive impact she will have on the community. She will begin her duties in June.
For more information, please contact the City of West Plains at 417-256-7176.
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