City Wide Boil Order in Mtn. View (UPDATE: Order Lifted)

Mountain View, Mo. – A city-wide boil order was issued for Mountain View in Missouri on February 28, 2022. The boil order follows a low water pressure notice on Saturday, Feb. 26 while city crews were cleaning storage tanks. A line was reported to have been broken on Monday.

Water must be boiled until further notice, i.e. until after samples have been tested and safe results are received from the Department of Natural Resources. Water must be boiled anytime repairs are made and the system must be sampled and safe results received from the lab at DNR before it is known if the water is safe to drink. The City is expecting test results by noon on Thursday, March 3.

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To ensure the safety of the water, customers should boil water vigorously for three (3) minutes prior to use for cooking or drinking. Customers also can disinfect food contact surfaces (dishes) by immersing them for at least one (1) minute in clean water containing at least fifty (50) parts per million (ppm) free chlorine. Adding one (1) teaspoon of unscented household chlorine bleach to each gallon of water (or 1.3 milliliters of bleach per liter of water) should result in a solution with more than fifty (50) parts per million (ppm) free chlorine, provided the water is free of hydrogen sulfide and significant levels of dissolved metallic and organic compounds.


Update: According to the City of Mountain View, the boil order that was in effect has been lifted after getting confirmation from the Howell County Health Department that the water is clean.

The break in the line was caused by (after confirmation and edit) boring done done by another company, that had busted a main pipe leading from the city well to the water supply, causing a contamination. The break has been repaired, and Mountain View residents should be able to use their water now without issue.

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