Commission Awards Contracts for Southeast District Projects

SIKESTON – The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded contracts for Southeast District projects during its regular meeting on April 5. Awarded contracts include a bridge replacement, sidewalk improvements, sign replacements, and bridge rehab projects.

Contracts include the following:


  • A $6,864,000 contract was awarded to West Plains Bridge & Grading, LLC, for a bridge replacement on Route 63 over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad north of Brandsville, Missouri in Howell County.
  • An $8,566,287 contract was awarded to Apex Paving Company, for the following:
    o Pavement improvements on Route 162 from Route 25 near Clarkton, Missouri to Route 61 near Portageville, Missouri in Dunklin and New Madrid counties,
    o Pavement improvements on Route J from Business 25 in Malden, Missouri to Route 53 in Dunklin County,
    o Pavement improvements on Route 84 from Route 412 to Interstate 55 in Pemiscot County, and;
    o Pavement improvements on Route C from Route 412 to Route 164 in Pemiscot County.
  • A $160,000 contract was awarded to Putz Construction, LLC, for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sidewalk improvements on various routes in the Southeast District.
  • A $1,791,274 contract was awarded to J. M. Scheidle, LLC, for bridge railing replacements at various locations in the Southeast District.
  • A $1,859,695 contract was awarded to James H. Dew Corporation, for sign installations at various locations on Interstate 55, Interstate 57, and Interstate 155 in the Southeast District.
  • A $1,363,613 contract was awarded to Missouri Petroleum Products Company, LLC, for microsurfacing on Interstate 55 from Interstate 57 to Route 77 in Scott County.

Additional information, regarding timelines and impacts to traffic, will be released prior to the start of construction.

For more information, please contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636).

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