SIKESTON – The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded contracts for the Southeast District during its regular meeting on Nov. 1. Contracts included pavement resurfacing and tree clearing.
Contracts included the following:
- An $831,000 contract was awarded to Pace Construction Company for pavement resurfacing Route 60 from five miles west of Route 60/67 to Route 60/67 in Butler County.
- A $120,864 contract was awarded to H.R. Quadri, LLC for tree clearing on Route 221 from north of Mineral City, Missouri near Henson Road in St. Francois County.
- A $6,328,168 contract was awarded to Apex Paving Company for pavement resurfacing the following routes:
- Route 105 from Route 62 to Route 80 in Mississippi County,
- Route UU from Route 62 to Route D in Mississippi County, and;
- Route A from Route 412 to Route EE in Pemiscot County.
- A $7,325,00 contract was awarded to Pace Construction Company, LLC for pavement resurfacing on the following routes:
- Route P from Route 160 to the end of state maintenance in Ozark County,
- Route EE from Route 19 to the end of state maintenance in Shannon County,
- Route H from Route 181 to Route 160 in Ozark County,
- Route DD from Route 76 to the end of state maintenance in Douglas County;
- Route AM from Route 181 to Route 60 in Douglas County,
- Route DD from Route 17 to Route H in Texas County,
- Route U from Route A to Route 76 in Wright County, and;
- Route PP from Route 63 to Route F in Howell County.
Additional information, regarding timelines and impacts to traffic, will be released prior to the start of construction.
For more information, please contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636).