Community Vaccination Event scheduled to take place April 9 at Missouri State University West Plains  

WEST PLAINS, MO – Ozarks Healthcare and Missouri State University West Plains (MSU – WP) will partner to present a community COVID-19 vaccination event at MSU – WP’s Lybyer Technology Center on Friday, April 9, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Lybyer Technology Center is located at 605 W. Main St. in West Plains.

“We are excited to work with local partners to continue offering more vaccination opportunities to our community,” Tom Keller, Ozarks Healthcare President and CEO said. “Our focus has always been on the health of our community members. As we work together with organizations such as Missouri State University, we multiply that focus and increase our region’s immunity against COVID-19.”


Nursing students from MSU – WP assisted Ozarks Healthcare in administering vaccines at two mass community vaccination clinics held prior to April 9. MSU – WP Interim Chancellor Dennis Lancaster said the university is proud to continue to partner with Ozarks Healthcare and other organizations to work towards a healthy future for students, staff, faculty, and the community.

“Ozarks Healthcare has been a valuable resource to our campus during the coronavirus pandemic,” Lancaster said. “We are pleased to be able to partner with them to provide area residents access to vaccinations.”

Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine will be administered to eligible attendees. Those interested in attending the event are required to sign up through the Missouri Vaccine Navigator at, using the event code 63793 to register. If internet accessibility is an issue, the Navigator Hotline can be reached by calling 877-435-8411. All Missourians will be eligible to receive a vaccine on April 9. For full tier definitions, visit:

While some concern has been expressed about new COVID-19 variants, medical experts agree vaccines continue to show effectiveness against the virus.

“The more vaccines we can provide to our community as all Missouri adults become eligible starting April 9, the closer we get to seeing a resilient light at the end of this tunnel of a pandemic,” Dr. Priscilla Frase, Hospitalist at Ozarks Healthcare, said. “Even against new variants of COVID-19, vaccines help activate production of our own antibodies in our own immune systems that attack parts of the virus, decreasing risk of severe disease and hospitalization. Vaccines continue to be the most hopeful tool we have to fight COVID-19.”

Katie Mahan, Director of Ozarks Healthcare’s Pharmacy, said being able to vaccinate more eligible Missourians on Friday is a milestone the healthcare system has been anticipating for quite some time.

“Since receiving our first shipment of COVID-19 vaccines, Ozarks Healthcare has administered approximately 11,000 doses,” Mahan said. “Opening vaccination eligibility means we can spread more hope to our community and nation as a whole. We are excited to add to our number of vaccinations administered as we move through the coming months.”

Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine only requires one dose for maximum effectiveness, so those who receive a vaccine at Friday’s clinic will not need to return for a second (booster) dose.

For more information about COVID-19 vaccines and future mass vaccination clinic announcements, please visit

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