Congresswoman Hartzler wants to abolish the Draft

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) introduced multiple pieces of legislation earlier this month designed to eliminate the draft registration requirement for Americans.
These pieces of legislation, the Stop Military Selective Service Registration Act and End the Draft Act, would both end mandatory registration for the draft by repealing the Military Selective Service Act. The Stop Military Selective Service Registration Act would also place the Selective Service System into a deep standby mode.
Hartzler is joined by Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) on both pieces of legislation, and Rep. Scott Desjarlais (R-Tenn.) on the Stop Military Selective Service Registration Act.
“The United States military is the strongest unit the world has seen, with its voluntary service amassing over 1.4 million active-duty members,” Hartzler said. “Given the strength of our nation’s Armed Forces and the apparent lack or purpose of the Selective Service’s use, it is wholly unnecessary to burden American citizens with registering for the draft. Instead, we should reassess our priorities to ensure we remain the most dominating military force on the planet.”
The Military Selective Service Act requires most males between the ages of 18 and 26 to register with the Selective Service in case Congress authorizes a draft. Men who fail to register can face criminal penalties, loss of eligibility for employment opportunities and education benefits, and the denial of security clearances.
Despite not using the draft for induction into the military in nearly five decades, certain members of Congress are seeking to expand registration requirements and penalties to females. As a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, Hartzler voted against extending the draft to females when it was debated in the Committee. This legislation furthers her efforts to stop this expansion by putting an end to selective service registration in its entirety.
View both pieces of legislation here and here.

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