Costume contest to be held with “Downtown in December” event

WEST PLAINS, Mo. — A Christmas-themed costume contest will be held in conjunction with the second annual “Downtown in December” Festival which is scheduled to begin at 5:30 pm this Saturday, December 14 after the conclusion of the West Plains Chamber of Commerce Christmas parade.

The West Plains Downtown Revitalization Board is sponsoring Downtown in December, an evening of family-friendly, Christmas fun to be centered on and around the historic court square. Officials with the organization say that a representative of the Avenue Theatre have agreed to handle judging and organization of the costume contest, which is open to all with no fee to enter.


There will be two divisions in the contest, one for individuals of all ages and a second for groups of two or more. The group costumes must have a shared theme that connects them and all must be Christmas-related. No Santa costumes will be allowed in either division, but otherwise, entrants are free to have costumes with any connection to Christmas.

No pre-registration is required. Participants should report to the north lawn of the courthouse to sign in and receive an entrant number. Judging starts at 6 pm. Following judging, all contest participants will parade on the main stage at approximately 6:45 pm with winners announced immediately afterward.

The first place winner in each division will receive a $20 Chamber Gift Certificate. Second and third place winners in each division will also be chosen, with ribbons and other small prizes to be awarded. Costumes will be judged on creativity, skill and effort in creating the costume, adherence to Christmas theme and enthusiasm of presentation. In the case of historical costumes, authenticity will be taken into account.

WPDRB officials say that in addition to the costume contest other free activities include a visit from Santa, a Letters to Santa Mailbox, a chance to win prizes, commemorative ornaments for the first 100 attendees, a costume contest, activities for children and other entertainment. In addition, a variety of vendors will be selling crafts and Christmas-themed wares. The evening will conclude with the lighting of the Christmas tree.

More information about the event can be found at the “West Plains Downtown Revitalization” Facebook page.

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