COVID-19 Update for Feb. 9, 2022: 37 New Cases in Howell County

Howell County Health Department reports an additional 37 cases of COVID-19 for Howell County.  Due to the high volume of COVID-19 cases identified within the county we are temporarily putting breakthrough case numbers & percentage data on hold.  When the agency has the ability to complete the investigations on the newly identified cases reporting will resume.  This brings the total number of cases to date to 9418.  Of the new cases 24 live in West Plains, 6 live in Willow Springs, 3 live in Mountain View, 2 live in Pottersville, 1 lives in Peace Valley and 1 lives in Pomona.  There have been 29,038 tested to date.

For additional data, visit: or go to and click on the COVID link on the top of the homepage.

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This week, the county has reported 174 new cases of COVID and no new COVID-related deaths.

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