Current River Flooding More than in 2017 says Ozark National Scenic Riverways

Ozark National Scenic Riverways has been pushed hard with the recent flooding, and will be dealing with the aftereffects for some time yet.

As of around 5pm yesterday, they reported that the Jacks Fork and Current Rivers are majorly flooding, with the Current River even exceeding volume experienced back in the 2017 flood event. River gauges located at Montauk and Akers have failed, and the ranger station at Pulltite has been almost completely submerged.

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Pulltite Ranger Station as of the early evening of 11-5-24. Picture taken by Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

Those around Van Buren likely will be dealing with damage, as it’s been reported the crest of the river could end up higher than 30 feet, comparative to the 2017 flood, where a crest of 37ft was recorded.

A photo of the Current River at Van Buren on the morning of 11-5-24 by Beverly Broyles.
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