“Customer Discovery: Unlocking the Mystery for Success” seminar set for June

West Plains, MO — The Missouri Small Business Development Center at Missouri State University – West Plains will present “Customer Discovery: Unlocking the Mystery for Success” in partnership with the Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI) on June 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2020 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 p.m., online, via Zoom.  There is no fee for this four-session, six-hour program, but pre-registration is required by June 2, 2020 and you must plan to attend all four sessions. To register visit: https://ozsbi.com/events.

OzSBI will provide high-speed internet access at its facility to those who wish to participate in the seminar and need access to reliable Internet. Those interested in using OzSBI’s space and WiFi to stream the seminar will need to contact OzSBI staff by phone at 417-256-9724 after registering to reserve a space. There will be no cost for this service. 

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Customer discovery is a powerful tool for small business owners. Whether you are introducing a new product, revamping an existing product or trying to reach more customers – it’s important to understand their needs and perspective before spending your valuable time and money on new business endeavors. It is the process of testing your business assumptions BEFORE you spend time and money to build out new products or services. 
You will learn:

  • How Customer Discovery Works
  • How to Conduct a Good Customer Discovery Interview

During this course you will also:

  • Develop a Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition to differentiate your business
  • Discover product/service need by determining customer problems and the solutions you provide
  • Test your product/service ideas through customer interviews to determine viability
  • Receive individual feedback to enhance and sharpen your ideas
  • Learn about federal grants and other funding opportunities

Greg Tucker, the State Director for the Missouri Small Business Development Centers, (SBDC) will instruct this program. Tucker worked in the private sector in transportation, manufacturing, and marketing for 20 years and started two businesses of his own before joining the University

of Missouri Business Development Programs in 2000 as a business specialist in St. Louis County. His professional certifications include Economic Development Finance Professional, and he is also a Certified Global Business Professional. Greg has a B.S. in Business from the University of Tennessee and an M.B.A. from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville, IL.

Missouri SBDC – West Plains

Our team of business experts is ready to help you grow your business. Work alongside them in this four-part series for small business owners and managers. This information will be helpful for new or existing businesses who are looking for new customer bases. Each week you will dig into details of your business to identify what you can do to take control of the success of your business. The Missouri Small Business Development Center is designed to deliver up-to-date consultation, training, and technical assistance in all aspects of small business management.  Assistance is available to owners interested in improving or expanding an existing small business and to prospective business owners.


Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI)

Since its opening in 2012, OzSBI has assisted more than 200 businesses. OzSBI’s passion is to help local entrepreneurs gain business skills, build relationships, get funded and grow successful business. OzSBI serves to improve the economy of the Ozarks by growing businesses that create good jobs, provide new products and services and pursue innovation. For more information, visit www.ozsbi.com or call 417-256-9724. 

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