Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday, Change Your Clocks & Check Your Batteries

West Plains, MO. – Once again, the light fades from our days and it is time to change our clocks as Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 6, at 2 a.m. Remember that on Saturday night, or first thing on Sunday morning, to set your clocks back one hour. This will give North America more daylight in the morning and see darker afternoons. Along with adjusting your clock, DST is a perfect time to check your smoke detectors and other bi-annual checks.

The National Fire Protection Association and your local fire departments advise that when you observe Daylight Savings Time, that you also check the batteries in the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. These alarms should have their batteries replaced every 6 months to ensure proper working order. Many house fires occur in the Ozarks in the fall as many reignite fireplaces and stoves, and ovens are used to cook for family gatherings. 

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Remember, a smoke alarm should be installed in every bedroom, on every level of a home, and large homes may need extra smoke alarms. Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years, as well. Take a moment this weekend to talk with your family about what to do incase of a house fire and consider speaking with elderly family members who may have hearing problems about installing fire alarms that have bright flashing lights or bed shakers. 

For additional fire safety tips, contact your local fire department or visit

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