Department of Social Services’ special payment to Child Care Subsidy providers covers income loss due to COVID-19

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – The Department of Social Services made additional programmatic changes to support Child Care Subsidy providers during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. To address income loss due to local restrictions and reduced child attendance, the department will make a special payment to Child Care Subsidy providers.  For the month of March 2020, Child Care Subsidy providers will receive a payment no less than the average of their payments for the preceding three months, December 2019-February 2020.

“There are Child Care Subsidy providers who are still open and caring for children of parents who are on the front lines serving the needs of Missourians,” said Jennifer Tidball, Acting Director, Department of Social Services. “It is our hope this additional payment will prevent a disruption in child care for the sake of children, families, and the provider.”

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The Child Care Subsidy providers should submit all attendance for the month of March 2020 by April 10, 2020 to expedite the special payment. Providers must continue to pay staff wages while the facility is closed.  It is important to note that if a Child Care Subsidy provider’s income for month of March equals or exceeds the three-month average, they will not receive an additional payment.

Low-income Missourians interested in the Child Care Subsidy, Food Stamp, Medicaid, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefit programs can visit to learn more.

Missourians can apply for services 24/7 online by visiting, or sending completed applications and verification documents by email to, or by fax to 573-526-9400. Missourians who have questions or need assistance can call 855-FSD-INFO or 855-373-4636 Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The Department of Social Services is committed to serving the needs of Missouri citizens during COVID-19 pandemic.  Information regarding the department’s response to the pandemic is available online

The mission of the Department of Social Services is to empower Missourians to live safe, healthy, and productive lives.  Visit to learn more about the Department of Social Services and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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