Everyone has been feeling the effects of high heat and drought in the Ozarks, with Howell and Oregon counties being some of the hardest hit. While last night the Ozarks received much needed rain, outlook over the 10-day forecast, and even for the month, is looking hot and dry.
Over this next forecast period, little to no rain is expected, and temperatures will likely rise in excess of 100 degrees. It will be important to keep cooling centers in mind as we go forward and to maintain any water saving habits or heat-avoidance methods you’ve been using.
In addition, with the continuation of extreme heat conditions, everyone must continue to monitor themselves and others for signs of heat-exhaustion or heatstroke symptoms.
For information on heat-related illness, check here: https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/warning.html
For research on locations of cooling centers in your area, you can check this map here: https://data.mo.gov/Health/Missouri-Cooling-Centers-Map/2wki-9iz8
In addition, you can check our previous article on local cooling stations by clicking here: https://www.ozarkradionews.com/ozarkradionews/wp-admin/post.php?post=275701&action=edit