Ava, Mo. – The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office seeks to remind the public to contact their non-emergency number for non-emergent issues.
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office telephone number 417-683-1020 will still reach the Sheriff’s Office; however, you will reach emergency dispatch, soon to be full 911. So, when you call the emergency number 417-683-1020, it will be answered Douglas County 911 what is your emergency. In order to better serve you the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has a non-emergency telephone number 417-250-2320. When you call the non-emergency telephone number there will be a voice prompt giving you the options to reach deputies, jail, office staff, etc. that will be able to handle all non-emergency questions. If you are forwarded to a voicemail on the non-emergency side that means we are assisting other people. Please leave a message and we will return your call. All voicemails are forwarded to administration to verify that they are being answered.
If you dial 911 or 417-683-1020 in error…PLEASE DO NOT JUST HANG UP. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is required to follow up on all non-answer or hang up emergency calls. If you do not answer or if there is no response when the call is answered, we will attempt to return the call. If they are unable to reach anyone, the Sheriff’s Office will respond to your address or your location as if there were an emergency.