Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Partners With Plainview School

Plainview, MO. – The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office recently announced its new partnership with the Plainview School to keep the students safe.

The Plainview School hired a former Douglas County Deputy as a teacher. The teacher still holds a valid and up-to-date Law Enforcement License. Sheriff Degase approached the school administration with the idea of keeping the deputy on as a Reserve Deputy, which the school administration agreed to. In this partnership, the Sheriff’s Office will be providing the equipment and required training to the teacher to be armed within the school. 

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The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has provided advanced training over the last several months to keep their license up-to-date and to have the ability to safely carry a firearm on the school premises. The Reserve Deputy position for the teacher will be different from most Reserve Deputy positions, meaning, the teacher will not be classified as the School Resource Deputy and he will not handle daily criminal offenses. The Plainview teacher will be armed in the case of a violent situation and will be acting under the colors of the Sheriff’s Office during such situations, but will otherwise just be a Plainview teacher.

The Plainview teacher will be required to partake in quarterly training sessions conducted at the Shields Solution Training facility located in eastern Douglas County. To read the full story visit the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook Page.

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