DOUGLAS COUNTY, Mo. — The Eastern Douglas County Volunteer Fire Department has its first-ever EMT.
Autumn Barnhart graduated high school in the spring of 2018 and attempted to get into the military, but was unable to join due to an allergy issue.
“My interest in the fire service really started in the summer of 2017. I was living and working on Ocracoke Island and joined the volunteer fire department there. I got to do ride alongs and training with them and helped on calls wherever I was able to.”
She joined EDCVFD in September 2018 and also volunteers with the Logan-Rogersville Fire Protection District. She completed her EMT training on Friday, December 20.
“It’s very important for EDC and all rural departments to have trained Emergency Medical professionals to respond to calls. There will be times we’re on the scene of an emergency for 30 minutes or more before an ambulance or air helicopter arrives. The community relies on the local fire department for quick response and care.”
Barnhart recently started college at Ozark Technical Community College this past September and is pursuing a degree in fire science technology. She added that she plans on going to paramedic school after receiving her FST degree.