Election Day Breakdown: The Constitutional Convention Question

West Plains, MO. – The 2022 November election is a special election for Missourians as it marks 20 years since voters were last asked if they wanted to rewrite the state constitution. This November 8th, Missouri voters will be asked, once again, if they would like to throw out the old papers and write a new state constitution. 

Official and Fair Ballot language. Source: Missouri Secretary of State Website


Official Ballot Title:

Shall there be a convention to revise and amend the Constitution?

 Fair Ballot Language: 

“yes” vote will require the governor to call an election of delegates to serve at a convention for the purpose of revising or amending the Missouri Constitution. Any revisions or amendments will then be put to a vote of the people for their consideration.

“no” vote will mean no constitutional convention will be held.

If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.

Why are we voting to hold a Constitutional Convention?

In the Missouri Constitution, under Article XII, Section 3(a), that “At the general election on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November 1962, and every twenty years thereafter, the secretary of state shall, and at any general or special election the general assembly by law may, submit to the electors of the state the question “Shall there be a convention to revise and amend the constitution?””

This has been part of the Missouri Constitution since 1920 and was added to the new state constitution written in the 1940’s.

How would the constitutional convention work?

The state governor would, by law, be required to call an election of delegates. There would be two delegates from each senatorial district in the state and 15 delegates-at-large for a total of 83 delegates. Each pair of senate delegates would be required to be of different political parties. The 15 delegates-at-large would be elected by state-wide vote. The delegates would then work on rewriting the Missouri Constitution.

What could happen if we re-write the state constitution?

The changes that were passed by the delegates would then come back before the voters of Missouri in another election for approval.

Some archaic and outdated laws would be cleared from the books, by most estimates, but some newer constitutional amendments that were passed by popular vote, such as Medicare Expansion and medical marijuana, could be cut from the new constitution. The Missouri Constitution currently has 119 amendments and has the fifth longest constitution in the country.

How long could the Constitutional Convention take?

The last time a Constitutional Convention took place was in 1942. From the passage of the vote, the convention lasted until 1945, when the new constitution was approved. The current constitution was written between 1943 and 1944. (Source: sos.mo.gov)

Election Day Breakdown Articles:

Amendment 1

Amendment 3

Amendment 4

Amendment 5


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