Exhibition Of Area Artists At The West Plains Civic Center

West Plains, MO. – From March 30 through May 4, 2024, the West Plains Council on the Arts will be hosting an exhibition of artworks by local artists in the Gallery at the West Plains Civic Center.

The Gallery will be open to the public for free during regular Civic Center hours. The WPCA is also hosting a Meet the Artists event on Sunday, April 7, 2024, from 2-4 p.m., as part of the Party in the Path Eclipse Celebration. The exhibit is co-sponsored by the West Plains Civic Center and the West Plains Council on the Arts, with some funding from the Missouri Arts Council, which is a state agency. The event is called the “Sky High – Eclipse and More” Exhibit.

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The featured artists are:

Robert Anderson, Marc Brennan, Terri Combs, Lee Copen, Becky Earls, Nicholas Hackworth, Janey Hale, Terry Hampton, Rosemary Landers, Donna Lay, Michael McClure, Diane Pence, Rhonda Richter, Barbara Robinette, Gary Sanders, Kathy Schloss, Cindy Temple, Mark Wallen, and Dolores Winkler. 

For more information, you can contact the West Plains Council on the Arts at info@westplainsarts.org.


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