First Round of Coats and Clothing Donations Dropped Off

Through local figure Travis Smith and Sergeant Collin Stosberg of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a load of coats and undergarments have found their way to southern Missouri.

Give Local First, the non-profit side of Ozark Radio/Ozark Marketing, will be distributing these coats and clothes to other local non-profits in the listening area. As of last week, the first round of coats has been delivered! 


Recipients during this first round of deliveries were FosterAdopt Connect in Mountain Grove, and Bright Futures and the Texas County Sheriff’s Department in Houston. Both organizations will be using these donations to improve the lives of less fortunate youth through their reach in the Ozarks.

For more information on this process or on Give Local First, you can call our main office at 417-256-3131. 



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