Forest Service updates from ACW Ranger District

AVA, Mo. — After a busy spring fire season, Forest Service personnel are catching up and preparing for a busy recreation season.  Firefighters continue to repair control lines used to hold recent wildfires and prescribed burns.  Other Ava/Cassville/Willow Springs (ACW) Ranger District employees are utilizing this time to catch up on normal business and record-keeping from the busy spring fire season as well.  The Forest expects to send crews to the Western U.S. again this year and is already filling requests and sending personnel and equipment (like fire engines and dozers) to help in other nearby states.

According to Darla Rein, Recreation Officer for ACW Ranger District, recreation use never really slowed down this year.  She emphasized that Cobb Ridge Campground has been “busy, busy, busy” and she has seen high levels of usage on the Chadwick trail system.

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Rein recently received an email from a gentleman that thanked the campground host at Cobb Ridge.  She wants to share that gentleman’s sentiments of gratitude.  It takes a lot of work to keep Forest recreation sites open and available for public use, and Rein appreciates all those that help.

The individual that wrote the email had been coming to the Cobb Ridge with their family for 30 years and now brings the next generation of their family along with them to enjoy camping there and riding Chadwick Trails.  In the email, they praised the professional kindness of the campground host and other volunteers that made their experience a positive one.  Rein shared, “It makes me happy to hear that generations of families will grow to appreciate their natural resources, and I am very grateful for all the work our hosts and volunteers accomplish, keeping Cobb Ridge running and looking great!”

Campground hosts are dedicated volunteers.  Although they receive a small reimbursement for incidentals, they mostly do this work for their love of the outdoors and a desire to serve.  “When you are staying at a Forest campgrounds, please remember that the hosts put in a lot of effort so you can have a great experience; and a kind ‘thank you’ goes a long way,” stated Rein.

Forest staff are tackling many other projects all around ACW Ranger District to improve public safety, increase visitor enjoyment, and protect natural resources.

At North Fork campground, the water system has been turned on this week and testing is being done to ensure the potable water is safe before bringing the system online for the planned opening date of May 15.  There will also be a new host at the site this summer as well.

The boat launch replacement work at Big Bay Boat Launch is currently on pause.  The water level at Table Rock Lake is too high right now to start work.  For public safety, the current ramp will remain closed until the new ramp is complete.

At North Fork Recreation Area boulders were recently placed to keep vehicles on the hardened surfaces, reducing potential for future damage to the pavement and areas around the pavement.  Four new gates, one at the entrance ats CC Highway and three others in the day use area, are planned to be installed soon.

Equestrian users will benefit from improvements at Horton Trailhead, Collins Ridge Trailhead, and Hay Hollow Trailhead.  JR Rhodes, Wilderness/Non-motorized manager, has been working with the Ridge Runner Chapter of the MO Back-Country Horseman (BCH) to install hitching rails and mounting blocks.  Thank you, BCH, for the assistance!

Within the next year at Caney Picnic Area, a new vault toilet will be installed to replace the existing one.  The new building will be made of concrete and therefore easier to clean, providing a better customer experience.  This project is among several projects across the Forest that were made possible by Great American Outdoors Act funding.

At Cobb Ridge Campground, a contract will soon be advertised for placement of boulders to replace the aging wooden barriers.  The rock will be much longer-lasting then replacing with wood again.  These rocks will protect the natural habitat along the road, which provides the scenic beauty visitors appreciate so much.  For anyone interested in bidding, the contract will be advertised on (where all federal contracts are posted for bid).

Along Lookout Road (near Cobb Ridge Campground), the Forest has retained jurisdiction of the road from where the pavement ends at Cobb Ridge to just before the Bull Creek bridge.  This road has become extremely rough due to use and weathering.  The Forest is reviewing the situation to determine the best way forward to maintain this section of road.   Although the road remains open, people are advised to use caution when using it.  Only four-wheel drive vehicles are recommended to go through there, smaller vehicles could get stuck.

“I’m proud of the continued efforts our employees and volunteers give to make improvements to safety and public enjoyment at our recreation sites,” stated District Ranger Cody Lunsford.  He added, “I hope everyone visiting has a fun, safe time getting outdoors; and please remember to show respect and kindness to others in the campgrounds and out on the trails.”

For more information about these or other happenings on the ACW Ranger District, call the Forest office in Ava, MO at 417-683-4428.

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