Free webinar about the CARES Act Grant Relief Program for small businesses

WEST PLAINS, MO –   Applications are now open for the CARES Act Grant Relief Program for small businesses. The program was established by the Howell County Commission, which has partnered with the Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI) to serve as the grant administrator for the funds. Many businesses in the county will likely qualify for reimbursement through this grant, and the Howell County Commission and OzSBI encourage any and all interested parties to apply.

“I believe that many of our local businesses will qualify for at least some funds through this grant, and very much look forward to assisting them with the application process,” said Autumn Shirley, Grant Administrator at OzSBI. “So far, we are finding that the majority of businesses that have contacted us with questions about permissible expenses are qualified to apply under the CARES Act guidance. We really encourage everyone with a small business in Howell County to visit our website to learn more or call us to find out if they might qualify.”

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Additionally, OzSBI and the Missouri SBDC will host a free informational webinar open to the public on Thursday, October 8th at 2:00 pm. The webinar will include an overview of the application process, highlight eligible expenses, and answer questions from participants. Registration details and more information about the grant are available at

“So far, we are finding that many businesses who thought they wouldn’t be able to apply are, in fact, qualified to do so” said Shirley. “For example, purchasing personal protective equipment, taking measures to increase sanitation or enforce social distancing, pivoting to a new, more resilient business model, and recovering some of the costs associated with having to temporarily close the business due to COVID-19 would all be qualifying reimbursements. Another really helpful option is the payroll reimbursement for employees who are substantially dedicated to mitigating the effects of COVID-19. This gives businesses who serve the public an opportunity to hire (or reassign) additional cleaning staff for deep cleaning and sanitizing of the business, and request payroll reimbursement for them through the end of the year.”

To be eligible, businesses must: be a for-profit, independently-owned business or independently-operated franchise geographically located within Howell County, have 500 or fewer employees, possess valid city, county, and state licensure to operate, and be in operation prior to March 1, 2020. Eligible applicant businesses must also provide proof of a business hardship created by COVID-19.

“These funds are available to eligible businesses on a reimbursement basis.  Every business in the county is important to us and we hope these funds help more companies navigate these challenging times.  We are proud to partner with the Ozarks Small Business Incubator to implement the Howell County CARES Small Business Relief Program,” stated Mark Collins, Howell County Presiding Commissioner.

The Ozarks Small Business Incubator will accept applications and review them for completeness and adherence to CARES Act guidelines and related guidance from the US Treasury.  After review by the Howell County Commissioners, applicant will receive a Notice of Decision signed by the County Commission reflecting whether the request was approved, denied or partially funded.  The Ozarks Small Business Incubator will facilitate the signing of the agreements and disbursement of grant awards.

“We know small business are struggling due to COVID-19.  The Howell County CARES grant can provide some financial relief as businesses work to overcome the negative impact COVID has had on their business.  OzSBI is working closely with the Howell County Commission to implement this grant program and help as many  businesses as it can within the parameter of the federal CARES Act guidelines,” said Heather Fisher, OzSBI Executive Director.

To apply, applicants should access the Howell County CARES Small Business Relief Program Application online at Detailed application instructions, a FAQ, and a list of required supporting documentation are posted with the application. Applicants are required to submit completed applications and documentation either in-person or by mail to OzSBI. OzSBI is located at 408 Washington Ave. in downtown West Plains. Hours for drop-off are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Mailed applications may be sent to:

Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI)

408 Washington Ave.

West Plains, MO 65775

Program funds will be allocated to eligible businesses based on availability. All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-review basis.  All applications must be received by OzSBI by December 11, 2020 for consideration.

Questions regarding the Howell County CARES Small Business Relief Program application process may be directed to Autumn Shirley, Grant Administrator by email at  or by phone at 417-256-9724.

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