The “Go Farm” Farmers Market is the largest market within 100 miles of West Plains and is part of Ozark Farmers Agricultural Co-op. Our annual membership information meeting will be held on March 12 at MSU-West Plains at 6 pm. The meeting will be held at Lybyer Bldg room 103, lower level, corner of Cass and Missouri (green metal roof). Finger foods will be provided.
We work hand in hand with MSU-West Plains, the City of West Plains, and other community organizations to promote farming in every aspect in this region. Working with the USDA our goal is to have a food hub here in the southern Ozark area by being active in connecting our communities to the local farmer, rancher, and craftsman. We put on the annual American Small Farm Conference to educate and promote farming. A few benefits of membership are: $3 million liability insurance on produce and meats, Commercial General Liability of $1 – $2 million, large amount of advertising including social media and articles of your farm business in 2 newspapers and radio, membership to Missouri Farmers Market Association, discounts to the American Small Farm Conference and workshops at MSU-West Plains, etc. and an overall community family of wonderful vendors. Much more information will be provided at the meeting. For more information call 417-293-0590.