The Harlin Museum is proud to announce its Golden Year’s Senior Showcase, a special exhibition that celebrates the artistic talents of local seniors aged 75 and older. This unique event showcases our senior artists, providing a platform to honor their creativity and share their stories.
The showcase will run from May 10 to May 31, with a Meet & Greet Reception on May 31 to celebrate the artists and their work. The exhibition will feature a variety of art forms, including paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, and other mediums. Whether the artwork is a family heirloom or a more recent creation, all pieces are welcome, and each will be accompanied by a brief biography of the artist.
Submission Guidelines There is no cost to participate, and up to 10 pieces of artwork may be submitted per artist. Submissions will be accepted from May 1 to May 4 at the Harlin Museum. While the museum will accept any type of art, we prefer that drawings, paintings, and photographs be wired and ready to hang. For sculptures and other three-dimensional art, the museum will work with the submitter to ensure the best display method.
Each submitted piece must include a short biography of the artist, highlighting their background, experience, and artistic journey. This provides museum visitors with insight into the artist’s life and their creative process.
Why Participate? This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the talents of older artists and share their creative accomplishments with the wider community. The Golden Year’s Senior Showcase not only honors these artists but also fosters connections between generations as visitors learn more about the stories behind each piece of art.
The Meet & Greet Reception on May 31 will give family, friends, and art lovers a chance to meet the artists in person and celebrate their creative contributions. It will be a wonderful occasion to gather and reflect on the significance of art in our lives, no matter our age.
Key Dates:
· Submission Dates: May 1–May 4
· Exhibition Dates: May 1–May 31
· Meet & Greet Reception: May 31
For more information or to submit artwork, please contact Cleo at the Harlin Museum at 417-293-9534 or
We look forward to seeing the vibrant and diverse works of art that our senior artists will bring to the Golden Year’s Senior Showcase!