Gov. Parson honors Buckle Up Phone Down at the 2019 Governor’s Award for Quality & Productivity

JEFFERSON CITY, MO –Missouri Governor Mike Parson and the Office of Administration recently the Buckle Up Phone Down program with the 2019 Governor’s Award for Quality and Productivity (GAQP). The award acknowledges accomplishments that serve as an example of continuous improvement, quality, efficiency and productivity in Missouri state government.

Buckle Up Phone Down (BUPD) for developing an initiative that engages drivers by challenging citizens to pledge to buckle up and put their phones down while driving.  A public relations program utilizing television, Movie Theater and radio commercials as well as social media was developed to promote the initiative.  Each of the last two years, Governor Parson has proclaimed a day in October as BUPD which was celebrated with press events and public outreach activities throughout the state.  As of December 26, 2019, over 500 businesses and more than 11,000 individuals have accepted the BUPD challenge. 

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The challenge has an innovative public-private partnership component.  Businesses, schools and organizations can accept the BUPD challenge, requiring all employees to buckle their seat belts and put their cell phones down while driving in company/organization vehicles.

BUPD creates a dialogue with drivers that encourages safer action and urges participants to recruit others.  It utilizes an interactive, challenge-based approach to changing habits.  It has created a dialogue with travelers and the business community that has not previously existed.

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