Gov. Parson pardons 21 for May 2023

For the month of May 2023, Governor Mike Parson granted 21 pardons pursuant to Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri. Official documents have been filed with the appropriate government agencies and have been sent to the individuals.


Ozarks Healthcare Dinner

  1. John Watkins
  2. Robert White
  3. Robert Painter
  4. Leslie Buchanan
  5. Larry Nave
  6. Richard James
  7. Robby Montgomery
  8. Mark Wilson
  9. Edward Carroll
  10. Cheryl Hunter
  11. Nathan Forst
  12. Ricky Lench
  13. Nicole Long-Gitchel
  14. James Woods
  15. Francis Justus
  16. Martin Hunt
  17. Bobbie Hughes-Donaldson
  18. Paul Hoover
  19. Clifford Icke
  20. Darrell Shaw
  21. Joe Dixon
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