Grass, truck fire in West Plains Wednesday

WEST PLAINS, Mo. — The West Plains Fire Department responded to two fires on Wednesday.

The first call came in around 1:23 pm of a grass fire off of Bill Virdon Blvd. Firefighters arrived to find a small grass fire that had been started by a controlled burn that blown out of control by the winds. The first was quickly extinguished.


The second call came just before 8 pm of a possible fire in the back of a truck at Breckenridge Apartments at 2400 McFarland Dr. Firefighters arrived to find a fire in the back of a truck parked by the M building complex. A male subject was using a fire extinguisher attempting to put the fire out. Firefighters used roughly 50 gallons of water to finish extinguishing the flames and cool the truck bed down.

After speaking with the driver of the truck it was reported to possibly have been a delibriately set fire.

The Missouri Fire Marshals office was called to investigate, and that investigation is ongoing.

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