With Halloween coming up soon, and all the festivities that go along with it, you can expect much more foot traffic to be making its way through towns. Halloween is one of the most dangerous times of the year for pedestrians, which is why we’re posting this list of good safety tips to keep in mind for both drivers, kids, and adults alike.
Incorporate bright colors into your costumes. If your costume is dark, there are always options for applying reflectors or light sources such as lanterns or LEDs.
If you’re walking with a child, hold their hand. This will help you to keep an excited child close and curb impulsive behavior near the roadway.
Don’t jaywalk and only use crosswalks to move across a street, as applicable.
Drivers should not use cell phones, radios, or on-board touch screen systems while driving. Remember, it has recently become illegal to use a cell phone while driving in Missouri.
Lastly, for good measure, give your child a way to contact emergency services while they’re out and about, even if they don’t normally have a phone. It could make a difference.
For a more full list of tips, click the link here to read more.