Harlin Museum to Host 85TH Annual Fall Art Show

West Plains, MO. – The Harlin Museum of West Plains, MO is set to host its 85th Annual Fall Art Show and is calling for entry submissions from artists nationwide—with a focus on artists from Missouri and Arkansas.

This show is an open-theme juried show with a youth division and adult novice and adult advanced divisions. Entries must meet competition guidelines during the juried portion of the entry process for acceptance into the competition. The jurors will be selecting the work for the exhibition based on quality of work and technical skill. The selected entries are guaranteed a place in the show; each selected piece will then be judged using a point-based evaluation system that assesses the entries for four key elements: design composition, technique/skill of construction, presentation, and creativity/originality. Prizes will be awarded to the entries receiving the highest scores in succession, in each category—including Best Of Show. The People’s Choice award will be chosen by public vote.


The deadline for jury submissions will be Monday, October 9th, 2023, at 11:45 PM CST. Entry dates for the selected pieces to be brought/shipped to the museum will be Friday, October 13th, Saturday, October 14th, and Sunday, October 15th, from 12pm – 4pm each day. The exhibition pieces will then be on display in Harlin’s Hathcock Gallery from Friday, October 20th – Sunday, November 19th, 2023. There will be an Artists’ Reception at the museum on Saturday, November 11th, 3pm – 5pm, with light refreshments; all are invited to attend.

To submit entries for jury consideration, email good quality images of each of the entries (along with the completed entry form) to harlin.museum.wp@gmail.com by the jury submission deadline. Entry forms can be picked up at the museum or found on the harlinmuseum.com website. Those who are interested in entering the competition can find entry guidelines and other pertinent information on the museum’s website at https://harlinmuseum.com/calendar/2023-fall-art-show/.  Any questions can be emailed to the museum at info@harlinmuseum.com or you may contact board member Vicki Warren-Martin at 870-706-7863 (call or text).

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual