Horse Nutrition and Pasture Management Workshop Sept. 9

West Plains, MO – University of Missouri Extension is holding a horse nutrition and pasture management workshop on September 9th at 4:30pm. Sarah Kenyon, PhD, Agronomy Specialist, will speak about pasture management for horses. Elizabeth Picking, Livestock Specialist, will speak about horse nutritional requirements and forage selection. The hands-on portion of this workshop will focus on weed identification and hay evaluation. Horse owners who want to learn more about how to manage their pastures, select quality hay, meet their horse’s nutrient requirements, and identify problem weeds in their pastures should join Howell County Extension for an evening of dinner and learning. The cost of the program is $15 per person. For questions, contact Howell County Extension Center at 417-256-2391. Registration can be done online at Interested participants must register by September 3rd.

Current 4-H and FFA members can attend this workshop for free by calling the Howell County Extension Center. 4-H and FFA members need to RSVP so that a proper head count can be made for food.  


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