Howell County Health Department reports that an additional 68 cases of COVID-19 have been identified in the county (this includes Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday). This brings the year to date total number of cases to 2,358. Of the new cases; 41 reside in West Plains, eight live in Mountain View, nine live in Willow Springs, four live in Pomona, two live in Pottersville, two live in Peace Valley, one lives in Caulfield and one lives in Moody. There are 41 cases that are considered community spread, where the source of the infection is unknown, and 27 cases that have been linked to known cases.
New Howell County COVID-19 Dashboard: Thanks to Howell County University of Missouri Extension and the University of Missouri Extension’s Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems (CARES), Howell County now has a new dashboard that provides our county COVID-19 case data. Updates are done nightly and will be available the following morning by clicking on this link: