Howell County Annual Tax Collection Season Begins

Howell County, MO. – This week, the county will begin mailing out 38,600 tax bills.

The current Howell County Collector, Dennis Von Allmen, stated that for the tax year of 2022, the collectors office must collect 25.2 million dollars for the political subdivisions of Howell County. 18.4 of which will be designated to go to the 10 school districts within the county.

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

Taxpayers can make their payments by paying in-person at the Collectors Office at the County Office in West Plains. Taxes may also be paid by mail, online, over the phone, or using the Drop Box outside the Howell County Office Building.

Lastly, one can pay their taxes by visiting the West Plains Bank & Trust facilities located in Willow Springs and Mountain View.

All taxes must be paid before December 31st in order to avoid any late fees.

For additional questions, call 417 256 4001.

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual