Howell County Commission tours new Arlee Home Fashions facility

West Plains, MO. – Recently the Howell County Commission was given a tour of Arlee Home Fashions second facility, which is in the old Marathon Electric Building on Highway 63, West Plains by Arlee’s Vice President of Operations, Gary Mann. 

The announcement was made on Tuesday, May 3 that Arlee planned to expand. The company plans to create up to 80 new jobs with possibly more jobs to follow to meet the growing needs of the home and pet market.  They are moving some production lines that are in other locations. 

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For its expansion, the company collaborated with Favorite Fishing, a southern Missouri company famous for quality fishing rods, reels, and apparel. Arlee and Favorite Fishing worked together to plan a retrofit of a local facility for production and distribution of Arlee’s products. As a result of this cooperation, Arlee was provided the space it needed to continue to grow in the West Plains area.

The Howell County Commission is proud to help Arlee Home Fashions manufacturing, a company that has been employing West Plains workers for over 30 years to stay in Howell County and continuing to grow.  Arlee Home Fashions manufactures home fashion items in addition to pet products.   


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