Howell County, MO. – The Howell County Commissioners recently signed Resolution 2024-R2 making Howell County a Purple Heart County.
The Purple Heart is the oldest U.S. military decoration in use, having been initially created as the badge of Military Merit by General George Washington in 1782. It is specifically awarded to members of the United States Armed Forces who were wounded or who made the ultimate sacrifice in combat. Howell County has a long history of men and women veterans who have received the Purple Heart and has decided to honor the nation’s heroes by recognizing them.
By doing this, the county has received a plaque and a proclamation stating its role in honoring the veterans. There will also be three signs put up, one at each entrance into Howell County, stating that individuals are traveling into a Purple Heart County. Billy Sexton, the Southern Commissioner, Calvin Wood, the Northern Commissioner, and Ralph Riggs, the Presiding Commissioner, held a meeting on June 24, 2024, to sign the new Resolution into effect. This meeting was attended by different media agencies, including Ozark Radio News, Kelly Waggoner, the County Clerk, and several Purple Heart veterans.
Walt Schley, a representative from the Military Order of the Purple Heart and a Purple Heart veteran, talked about how grateful the veterans are for the new Resolution 2024-R2.