Howell Oregon Electric Announces Over 13,000 Members Powerless After Snowstorm

West Plains, MO. – If you’re one of the many people in the Ozarks who awoke this morning to a house without power, you’re far from being alone.

The Howell Oregon Electric Cooperative announced this morning that more than 13,000 members are without power, and it is likely many more in the listening area are affected as well.

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The wet nature of this snow allowed it to stick on most surfaces outside, putting excess weight on powerlines, tree limbs, and more. Many today will be waking with not only a house with no power, but damaged homes and vehicles due to limbs snapping from their positions.

Be very careful as you drive today, tonight, and tomorrow, as conditions are slick and are expected to worsen tonight, when much refreezes.

To report an outage in the area for Howell Oregon, call 417-256-2131.


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