Interview with Howell County Sheriff Brent Campbell on Upcoming Law Enforcement Tax Issue

West Plains, MO. – Ozark Radio News sat down and talked with Howell County Sheriff Brent Campbell about the upcoming Howell County ballots to appear on April 5th. The Howell County Sheriff’s Department is proposing to have a small tax increase to improve operational funds and to provide incentive for employee’s, both current and potential. The full interview can be heard here:

Transcript by



This is Dan from Ozark Radio News, and I’m here talking to the sheriff of Howell County. This is Brent Campbell. He’s going to talk to us a little bit about the law enforcement tax issue. Good morning, Brent. How are you today?

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

I’m great, Dan. How are you?


I’m doing just fine. So what’s this law enforcement tax issue and what’s its purpose?

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Basically, Dan, this a tax issue to support operational funding for the sheriff’s office, everything from personnel, additional personnel, to equipment, updating the jail facility, additional security for the jail facility, additional operational funds to upgrade, to sustain things that I have accomplished, just sustainment.


Honestly, it’s been a while since there’s even really been an increase on anything. I mean, it’s been years and years and years at this point, right?

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

22 years ago the great citizens of this county passed a quarter cent. The GR budget at that point in time was throttled at 880,000, and through inflation and what we all feel-


Oh yeah, I know we’ve all been dealing with inflation issues. And for you guys to not have an increase on anything in 20 years, 20 plus years, I’m sure it’s a little overdue at this point.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Absolutely. Absolutely. We have managed, there is no doubt, but issues on the front coming in was supplying just the needed equipment for the men and women that work for me to do their jobs: uniforms, their duty gear.


Basic operational costs.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Basic operational issues to go out and just protect and serve the citizens of this county. Some of that was accomplished. I’m continuing to work toward those goals. Money was just not there.


Right. Cost increase and the increased costs .

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Cost increase, fuel increase, absolutely.


So when will this be voted on? And if it passes, do you know how long this bill will be in place?

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

The issue comes up on the April 5th ballot. Put a sunset on it basically to just give confidence to the citizens. It sunsets in 10 years. I am developing products to be forward-facing with the monies and where it’s spent if it does pass. If I’m not a good steward of those funds, then in 10 years basically it will fall off. My understanding, talking to the commission, I can apply again within five years, eight years, to make it a continued operational cost. But it’s my job to be transparent with the funding and what I’m doing with it.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

And there’s some big capital improvements. Honestly, we are in the process of purchasing some additional property behind where the current sheriff’s office is. Anything that I have excess, I would love to build toward that capital improvement down the road for an entire new facility. So anything that is in excess, that will go to minimizing any further expense down the road to the county or citizens, if that facility is ever-


Comes into place.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Comes into place.


So we’ve got that in mind for a future goal, but if this manages to pass, what are some of the first improvements that you would try to implement?

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Equipment, honestly, would be some of the first things. Body cameras. I have one functional body camera for my entire office. Body cameras is a big one, just to how we police in the current environment we police in.


Well, I think everybody understands within the current societal rules and everything, body cameras are almost a necessity.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

A necessity.


For police enforcement.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Enforcement, mitigating liability issues to evidentiary issues within adjudication of the court system, and we just don’t have access to that. Secondly would be personnel, additional personnel for officer safety in response to the citizens. I have limited personnel, so a lot of my staff have additional duties. I have investigators that cover the evidence, so they’re processing evidence, which takes away from their daily duties. So if I could diversify it out and not have to have my staff wear so many hats and they can concentrate on their primary duty scopes and responsibilities, that would be an asset to the organization and the citizens. So personnel is a large one.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Updating the facility. Of course, that was updated in ’97, and some of the items within the security side are outdated. I can’t get replacement parts for security. Additional fencing around the facility, security measures within the facility, additional bed space. There’s just a lot of updating that needs to occur.


Right. And 20 plus years since you guys have had any kind of increase on fundings.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Yes, sir.


I mean, I think everybody understands on some level economically, unless more money goes into something, it’s actually getting less year over year. That’s just how things work in economics. I think this whole area throughout Missouri, especially Southern Missouri, as we’re more rural, we’ve seen a lot of degradation in certain things. So certain upgrades are necessary going forward, and that’s just an unavoidable effect of change and advancing into the future.


I’m sure we and everybody else are going to be keeping a close eye on everything that’s going to be going on within the next coming months here. And I really hope that no matter which way it goes, that you guys are able to not only continue doing what you’re doing, but to expand it as well.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

I greatly appreciate it. And it’s our honor to do what we do. I thank the Howell County citizens either way, and God willing, I can educate and get out and show the need of what that organization needs.


Well, thank you very much for talking with us, Brent.

Sheriff Brent Campbell:

Thank you, Dan.


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