Jett find support she needs at MSU-WP to complete Early Degree Program

WEST PLAINS, Mo. – Lauryn Jett knew completing college-level course work while still a student at West Plains High School wouldn’t be easy, but she also knew Missouri State University-West Plains (MSU-WP) provided the resources that would help her accomplish her goals.

During her sophomore year at West Plains, Jett chose to participate in the Early Degree Program, a cooperative program between MSU-WP and West Plains High School that gives eligible students the opportunity to complete a college degree and their high school diploma at the same time during their final two years of high school.

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The program, she said, “made me more mature. I had to work much harder at my course work than I had to in the high school courses. I was challenged in many of my classes at MSU-WP, and I learned much more in the past two years than I would have if I had not chosen this school. I am prepared to take on the world, as I have been taught by some of the most knowledgeable professors there are.”

Jett found the support she needed for her classes through MSU-WP’s many resources and services.

“Every department I worked with helped me generously,” she said. “I had access to the Lybyer computer lab, which I frequented often to study between classes. The tutoring labs were always available to assist me, and my professors took time out of their schedules to help me when I needed it.”

More than that, though, MSU-WP provided Jett with an environment in which she could succeed. “My greatest achievement at MSU-WP was having the honor of being on the Chancellor’s List my last two semesters for earning a 4.0 GPA,” she said.

Jett found her niche when she enrolled in a poetry class taught by Professor of English Frank Priest.

“This class consisted of a small group that quickly became close friends by sharing our most creative, deep and emotional poetic creations,” she said. “This class not only taught me how to write poetry, it gave me a chance to express myself and open up by taking images in my mind and putting them into words. I was able to read one of my poems at the Ozarks Studies Symposium, where I was given the opportunity to publish my poems.”

 This sense of community is one of the most attractive aspects of MSU-WP, Jett said. “The West Plains campus is friendly and close knit, but still has enough students that I was always able to meet new faces. I am grateful for the close and inviting community MSU-WP offers,” she explained.

With her Associate of Arts in General Studies degree in hand, Jett transferred Missouri State University in Springfield, where she is studying psychology and music.

“Thankfully, I am two years ahead of my peers and will be able to earn my degrees in half the time,” she said.

For that and other reasons, Jett believes attending MSU-WP was the best decision she could have made. “I would not go back and change my decision to enroll here because I have created everlasting memories and friendships here, not to mention the abundant knowledge I have gained,” she said.

Jett believes other prospective students can achieve the same success she has if they come to MSU-WP.

“MSU-WP is the perfect place for you if you are looking for a home away from home with countless faculty and staff members to assist you with all of your needs. You will be challenged, but the rewards are worth it! Do not give up, and remember, everyone on campus is there to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!”

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