The January 4th meeting of the Josiah Howell Chapter included the swearing in by John Hass the new officers for the 2025 year. They include: Garry Pirch President, Paul London Vice President, Fred McKinney Secretary, Dale Brake Chaplain, Justin Mutrux Registrar-Genealogist, Leslie Becker Sergeant-at-Arms. Jerry Roberts was absent and will be sworn in as Historian at the upcoming February 1st meeting.
Wayne Jones the outgoing President was named Honorary President and presented with a Miracle 250 coin in honor of next year’s 250th anniversary of the founding of our country.
The meeting centered around creating plans to reach out to the public and to educate those in the community about the Revolutionary War our Constitution and the information concerning the founding of our country.
The meetings will be held at 5 PM at the VFW hall on Bill Virdon Blvd West Plains Mo. the first Sat of each month. Those interested in joining SAR can contact any of the current members or attend the meetings to gain information.