Lady Zizzer Basketball Pink Out Set for February 6

West Plains, Mo. – For the twelfth year, Lady Zizzer Basketball, with the help of West Plains Bank and Trust Company, will raise funds to benefit local cancer patients through their annual Pink Out game, scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025, at West Plains High School. The Lady Zizzers will take on the Donettes of Doniphan, Mo., wit JV action beginning at 5:30 and a varsity contest beginning at approximately 7 p.m. Half of the gate admission will be donated to the cause.

According to Lady Zizzer Coach Christy Otter, the team has been busy pre-selling items in support of the cause and will have help from employees of the main event sponsor, West Plains Bank and Trust Company, on game night to wrap up the fundraiser. “We have two goals that night – add a win against state-ranked Doniphan to our season and beat the 2024 Pink Out fundraising total of $25,000,” Otter said. “The girls are ready,but they need a packed house to get the ‘W’ and raise money.”

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Items are available in support of the cause from Lady Zizzer Basketball players, or through the online store – Options include:

Raffle Items – drawing held for each during half-time of the varsity game on Feb. 6
o Post Malone & Jelly Roll Concert Tickets (2) for June 13, 2025, at Thunder Ridge Nature Areana; $20 each, maximum of150 tickets will be sold; sponsored by All Pet & Equine Supply and Leonardo DRS
o Apple AirPods Pro 2, $10/ticket or 3/$25, sponsored by Holiday Inn, West Plains
Smoked Ribs for $25/rack, pick up Saturday, Feb. 8 at 1 p.m., at the West Plains High School Agriculture Building (just in time for Super Bowl!)
Lady Zizzer Basketball Pink Out T-Shirts
o The entire purchase price of the shirts is donated to the cause due to West Plains Bank and Trust Company covering the cost of the shirts
o Short Sleeve, Sangria (Pink) or Ash (Grey), youth and adult sizes $12 each
o Long Sleeve, Sangria (Pink) or Ash (Grey), youth and adult sizes $16 each

In addition to these items, on game night the employees of West Plains Bank and Trust Company will be assisting the team in offering:

Pulled Pork Nachos – $10 per plate of nachos with all the fixings; pulled pork donated by the Law Office of Jacob Y. Garrett, West Plains, Mo.
Premium Cupcakes – $3/cupcake or $36/dozen; cupcakes donated by Sugar Lily Bakery and Floral, West Plains, Mo.
Pink Out T-shirts – limited number of shirts available; pink or gray, $12 for short sleeve and $16 for long sleeve
Luminaries or signs – $5/luminary bag or sign, purchase in honor or memory of a cancer patient; displayed at the game
Raffle Tickets – tickets for the concert tickets and Apple AirPods Pro 2 will be sold until drawing time (half-time of the varsity game)

During half-time of the varsity game, local auctioneer Billy Sexton will sell a variety of items by live auction including hams and turkeys donated by the Ozarks Healthcare Foundation. These meats will be smoked by Jack Randolph in time for Easterweekend. Winning bidders will pick-up on Friday, April 18, 2025. All live auction proceeds will benefit the Ozarks Healthcare Cancer Treatment Center.

For more information about Lady Zizzer Basketball Pink Out and opportunities to support local cancer care, contact a member of the Lady Zizzer Basketball Team, West Plains R7 Activities Director Ashely Tyree (417.256.6150), Ozarks Healthcare Foundation (417.853.5200), West Plains Bank and Trust Company (417.256.2147), search on social media or visit the online store – .

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