Local Blood Drive Hosting “Chillin’ in the Ozarks” Event

Houston, MO. – A major local blood drive organization is hosting a new event in Houston, MO., with the theme being centered around “Chillin’ in the Ozarks”.

This is happening on Friday, July 12th from 9am to 3pm at Texas County Memorial Hospital. This event is organized by Community Blood Center of the Ozarks, an organization which is responsible for much of the blood supply in the area. TCMH, as an example, receives all of its blood supply from CBCO, and 43 other hospitals in 40 other counties are serviced in addition.


The prize offered as a part your participation in the blood drive is a plush beach towel, which will be given to those who give blood while supplies last.

Anyone aged 16 years or older can contribute to this blood drive, granted they are at least 110 pounds and haven’t given blood recently.

To schedule your appointment, call 417 227 5006, or go to www.cbco.org/donate-blood

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