WEST PLAINS, MO – Ozarks Healthcare is excited to welcome Shannon Marsden, MD, to Ozarks Healthcare Family Care in West Plains. Marsden, a board-certified family medicine physician, will join Dr. Scott Roush, Dr. Jason Spurling, Dr. John Washburn, and family nurse practitioners Jamie Parrott and Lisa Wade at Ozarks Healthcare Family Care.
“We are very excited to grow our group of family medicine providers for our patients with the addition of Dr. Marsden,” Tom Keller, Ozarks Healthcare President and CEO, said. “Family medicine providers play a central role in the healthcare of multiple generations. Dr. Marsden will be a wonderful addition to Ozarks Healthcare’s Medical Group.”
A native of Poplar Bluff, Marsden completed a three-year residency in Family Medicine at CoxHealth Family Medicine in Springfield. She earned a Doctorate of Medicine (MD) from the University of Missouri – Columbia. Marsden also holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Biology from Arkansas State University – Jonesboro.
Marsden says she enjoys the variety of ages she treats through family medicine. Preventative care is also a major focus for her method of practice.
“I enjoy family medicine because I can see and treat all ages under my full scope of training,” Marsden said. “Mostly, I enjoy it because I can form relationships and community with my patients. My approach to partnering with my patients centers around wanting their health to be the best it can be. I think that the more I am able to do for people in one setting, the more beneficial it is for them.”
“Dr. Marsden shares our concept of the compassionate approach healthcare should include,” Dr. Jason Spurling, physician at Ozarks Healthcare Family Care, said. “We look forward to working with her to grow the accessibility of family medical care in our community and surrounding areas.”
Marsden and her husband, Zach, reside in the area with their children, Hutson, 3, and Harper, 1. Dr. Marsden says she is eager to work with Ozarks Healthcare Family Care to provide routine medical care and the treatment of specific injuries and illnesses in all ages.
“I’m very excited about the vision Ozarks Healthcare Family Care has for the future of the health system in West Plains and the passion that is there for caring for their patients as a whole,” Marsden said. “I am looking forward to working as a team with the other providers to put our patients first and be strong advocates for them while helping advance the health system.”
Marsden is currently accepting new patients. Contact Ozarks Healthcare Family Care at 417-255-8645 to inquire about scheduling an appointment.
Ozarks Healthcare Family Care is located at 1307 Porter Wagoner Blvd. in West Plains and is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday. Walk-in hours are also available from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
To learn more about Ozarks Healthcare’s family medicine services, visit https://www.ozarkshealthcare.com/services/family-medicine/.