Missouri Senators debate bill on Foreign Owned Land

Missouri senators may soon be considering legislation related to foreign ownership of state land. Foreign ownership of state land has been a controversial topic since it was passed in 2013. 

In fact, there is a select Missouri Senate committee dedicated to this very issue. A recently proposed bill would make it more difficult for the countries of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea to purchase land in Missouri.

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Missouri Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden of Columbia has proposed Senate Joint Resolution 41 that, upon voter approval, would create the Joint Committee on State Security:

Lawmakers, including Rowden, passed legislation by veto override allowing a certain amount of foreign ownership in Missouri in October 2013. The first attempt to change the new law came the following year.

Senator Doug Beck of St. Louis says he has been trying to reverse this for a decade:

There are several measures related to this issue in play this session.

Audio provided by the Missouri Senate.

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