Missouri Tops Humane Society “Horrible Hundred 2022” for Problem Puppy Mills, locations in West Plains, Cabool, and Ava listed

West Plains, MO. – The Humane Society of the United States has released their 10th Annual Horrible Hundred problem puppy mills and puppy sellers list for 2022 and, for the 10th year, Missouri is the top problem state. 

The Horrible Hundred list is published annually to warn consumers of problem puppy mills and and puppy-selling dealers, and to push for new legislation and stronger humane laws, according to the report. Missouri tops the list this year with 26 dealers committing violations. Iowa came in second with 17 dealers and New York in third with 12. Many of the problem dealers are repeat offenders. 

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The Missouri community with the most violators was Clark, located north of Columbia, MO. with 4 problem puppy mills. West Plains was second in the state with 3 problem locations. 

Local problem mills are listed below. Click this link to view the entire report: https://www.humanesociety.org/sites/default/files/docs/HSUS_Horrible-Hundred-2022.pdf

West Plains

Maureen Butler/PugPekinPoo-Tzu, West Plains, Missouri: Breeder admitted at least three dogs died “due to fighting”; other dogs appeared sick, had patches of hair loss or wounds; state inspectors found dozens of violations for poor animal care and dirty and cramped conditions (repeat offender).

Ellen Roberts/Rocky Top K9s, West Plains, Missouri: AKC breeder is appearing in this report for the seventh time; USDA found thin nursing mother dogs and a limping dog with an open sore and dogs exposed to the cold; state inspectors found decrepit cages, a matted dog and bloody diarrhea; operation has nearly 200 dogs and puppies (repeat offender).

Jered and Summer Smith/Premier Puppies, West Plains, Missouri: USDA inspector found a thin dog, and state inspectors found limping dogs and harmful wire flooring at massive facility with more than 225 dogs.

Other local communities:

Rachel, Virgel and Vickie Davis/Davis Kennel, Seymour, Missouri: Received official warning notices from both state and USDA; repeated issues with matted dogs; puppies in cramped cages; one dog had no water and drank excessively when given water (repeat offender).

Brian Letsinger/Arrowhead Springs Kennel, Ava, Missouri: USDA found violations for a very thin mother dog whose ribs were prominent and who had not been evaluated or treated by a veterinarian; some dogs did not have adequate shelter from the cold.

Magdalena McGowan/Orchard Kennel, Cabool, Missouri: State inspectors found dozens of violations and gave breeder two official letters of warning for repeat issues; dogs were found without water and in decrepit cages and with only wet and contaminated bedding in cold weather.

Mary Ann Smith/Smith’s Kennel, Salem, Missouri: Underweight dog, moldy food, mouse feces and a dog with eye discharge found at facility of breeder who sold puppies to Petland and other pet stores (repeat offender).

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