JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — The Missouri WIC program is moving to a card-based format in 2020.
A press release from the state Department of Health and Human Services says the new card will allow for more convenient and discreet shopping. Currently, the program, which allows breastfeeding women and children from birth through 5 to receive free, healthy foods, uses a check-based system that lists the items that are allowed to be taken on that particular check.
Over 100,000 Missourians participate in the WIC program. WIC is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and is administered by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
To qualify for the WIC program, participants must be a pregnant, breastfeeding, or new mother; a child up to age 5; be a resident of Missouri, and meet income eligibility requirements. Foster children are also eligible for the WIC program.
More information can be found at