Missouri’s Electoral College Members Meet in State Capitol

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Today, Missouri’s Electoral College Members met in the State Capitol to cast their votes for President and Vice President of the United States. Each of Missouri’s ten electors met and cast their votes unanimously for President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

“I want to thank Secretary of State Ashcroft’s Office, county clerks, poll workers, electors, and all those involved in our elections for their part in ensuring Missouri’s November 3 General Election ran smoothly and the will of Missouri’s voters was recognized,” said Governor Parson. “I also want to thank the nearly 70 percent of eligible Missouri voters who turned out to cast their votes on election day. Every Missourian should be confident in the legitimacy of their vote and take pride in the strength and security of our elections here in Missouri.”

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Prior to the meeting, Governor Parson signed Certificates of Ascertainment certifying that an abstract of votes cast during the General Election had been certified to him from each county in the State of Missouri. He further certified that abstracts of votes had been certified to him showing that each of Missouri’s 10 electors received votes qualifying them to vote in the Electoral College.

The meeting of the Electoral College was conducted in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Missouri’s members of the Electoral College met in a public meeting in the Senate Lounge at the Missouri State Capitol to cast their votes. The meeting officially began at 2 p.m. and was presided over by Office of Admisntration Commissioner Sarah Steelman. Members of the media and public were also in attendance.

To view photos from the meeting of Missouri Electoral College Members, click here.

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