MoDOT’s plea to drivers: ‘Work with us’ this construction season

Work Zone Awareness Week is April 26-30

JEFFERSON CITY – More buffer truck crashes than ever before… Dozens of work zone fatalities… This is how Missouri will remember its 2020 construction season. And that’s why the Missouri Department of Transportation is pleading with drivers to help turn the tide in 2021. Motorists are urged to make smart, safe driving choices behind the wheel as part of National Work Zone Awareness Week, April 26-30.


In 2020, MoDOT protective vehicles with truck/trailer-mounted attenuators (TMAs) were struck an unprecedented 48 times. Jack Kirtlink, a maintenance worker in MoDOT’s Northeast District, was just one of dozens of MoDOT employees hit while driving these protective vehicles in 2020. Despite signage and flashing lights, a motorist crashed into his equipment at 70 mph, and the TMA ended up underneath the driver’s truck.

Since 2018, TMA crashes have resulted in 32 injuries and one fatality. These crashes are almost always the result of a driver not paying attention and/or driving too fast for conditions.

“We need drivers to work with us,” said State Highway Safety and Traffic Engineer Nicole Hood. “Last year, 27 lives were lost in work zone crashes. It’s on all of us to step up and make smart choices behind the wheel.”

“We’ve got a job to do, and we want everyone to be safe. Just pay attention and slow down, that’s all we’re asking,” said Kirtlink.

There are two simple actions every driver can take to help protect themselves and those working along the highways: buckle up and put the phone down. In 2020, 74% of vehicle occupant fatalities in work zones were not wearing a seat belt. Distracted driving remains a leading contributor to work zone crashes.

Speeding is also a growing concern in work zones. MoDOT is partnering with the Missouri State Highway Patrol for ‘OPERATION PROTECT’ to actively enforce speed limits in some of the state’s top work zones throughout the construction season.

To help keep workers and motorists safe, MoDOT has piloted the use of real-time digital alerts (Makeway Safety and HAAS Alert) on emergency response trucks and is expanding the installation of HAAS Alert to more than 500 vehicles, including all emergency response trucks and several mobile operation trucks. This technology enables MoDOT vehicles with emergency lights flashing to send alerts to motorists through tools such as the WAZE navigation app, giving drivers early warnings on approaching work zones.

Drivers should be aware of changing traffic conditions, observe warning signs and merge before reaching lane closures.

“You play a vital role in work zone safety,” said Hood. “Traffic can stop unexpectedly, or workers could enter the roadway. Stay alert so you know when to slow down and move over.”

To help make your travel safer, visit MoDOT’s Traveler Information Map at and find out what work zones you’ll encounter before you go. And do your part to save lives in those work zones. Missouri’s new strategic highway safety plan, Show-Me Zero, provides information for all Missourians to help promote four key messages: buckle up, phone down, slow down, and drive sober. The plan can be viewed at

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